the main struggle i had making this website was deciding what kinds of stuff i actually want to put on here. i've been making websites for a while, but i never really actually stuck with one. i'm hoping this website is different, but who knows.

putting this on neocities (which at the time of writing i still have not done btw lol) is kind of a way for me to keep myself accountable ig. even though i don't think anyone is gonna read it, somehow having it actually exist somewhere out there makes it feel more important. don't wanna take up space on neocities's servers for nothing right?

i do really want to keep this website. but why even make a website if you have nothing to say? i have a twitter, but i don't really post anything on there either. idk, maybe something about the low pressure environment here makes me feel better. there's no likes or anything as far as i know. there's followers, but i imagine most of the people getting followers are artists being followed by people who like their art. maybe a few writers? i haven't really explored this place too much.

i am writing here ig, and i did draw all the pictures and the background on the homepage. but those aren't really the main focus here. idk what is.

this has been super incoherent lol. see ya next time.